You don't need to look at the session and list of hotspots - that will get you all hotspots in the session, when you're only interested in the current hotspot, and ReSharper will create a new IMacroImplementation for each hotspot and give you those values in your constructor. Empty if the parameter value is null, or parses the value and returns a list of TextLookupItem. It then overrides GetLookupItems and returns HotspotItems. You'll want to check for null and take the first parameter, which will be your delimited list. Copy original hotspot directory that is already. Unlimited amount of simultaneous active users. Password: Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long. Email: For verification and password recovery. This is the list of parameter values specified in the hotspot editor.
Its constructor has an parameter of type MacroParameterValueCollection. It gets given the parameters in the call to GetPlaceholder, looks at the first and splits it by comma, returning the first item as the placeholder. The definition derives from SimpleMacroDefinition. You should fire up dotPeek and point it to the ReSharper bin directory and take a look at ListMacroDef and ListMacroImpl, which is the implementation for the comma-delimited list macro. Active Hotspot In Live Template Session Average ratng: 7,3/10 4618reviews